Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day

In honor of Earth Day today, our family planted three of my all time favorite flowering trees - the Purple Leaf Plum.

I can only dream of the day when mine look as lovely at the one pictured above though because obviously it is going to be a few years before we get to that size.  But I am so thrilled to have them back in my landscaping.  I had one at my last home that we planted at the corner of our house but thanks to some hopelessly tenacious squirrels we had to remove it so as to stop their route onto our roof and eventually into the attic.  It happened more than once so I know it was inevitable.

Out here on the farm we have yet to see a squirrel anywhere in the neighborhood.  Coyotes, yes, but not squirrels.  Call me crazy but since the coyotes have kept to themselves for the last year I feel more affection to them than I ever will again for a squirrel.  I am sure that will all change the first time they get into my alpaca pasture.

I will finish today's entry with a photo of the eggs we put into our new incubator this evening.  Assuming that we get some to hatch, they will be ready the week before my son's 9th birthday.  I thought it might be a fun new family tradition to hatch a batch of new chicks around the time of both of the kid's birthdays each year.  That would be spring and fall chicks.  What do you think?

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