The kids made some signs this weekend to put up in the yard announcing that we are now officially selling our eggs. Of course we have been giving them away like mad since the big batch of chicks started laying. I wanted to wait a while to get the egg size up a bit before we started actually selling them. Finally, we have begun to get about a dozen decent sized eggs per day so I gave the green light to begin the selling.
And today an older gentleman drove up and asked to buy some eggs! He seemed very excited to have someone selling eggs in the area so I believe he will become a regular customer. We do have one problem though and that is how to get folks to realize that they can get their eggs themselves from the refrigerator on the front porch. Our dog is a friendly little guy but he is a barker when visitors drive up so I can't have people ringing the door bell every time they want eggs. My nerves will be shot trying to tackle the dog for the door every time the bell rings!
Coming up, I will post some pictures of the newest improvements to the barn. We should have a flurry of other exciting farm activity coming up in the next few weeks to share as well.